TCRC Headlines

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TCRC Headlines

October Edition of the Flare-out is now Online

Click here for the October 2024 edition of the Flare-out

Field Rules Updated - Please Read

The Field Rules have been updated by the Board of Directors at their April meeting.  Please click here to see the current field rules.

Checkout a Video of Twin City Radio Controller's Model Airpark

Click here for a link to the YouTube Video...

FAA's Interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft

By now you all should be aware of the FAA's Interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft released on June 23rd, 2014.  Click here for the FAA document.  The board has discussed this at meetings, in newsletters and the AMA has been updating everyone online.

To comply with the FAA rule change, all TCRC flying fields and events will now be LINE OF SIGHT only.  That means when flying aircraft capable of FPV, the pilot must be in direct visual sight of the aircraft.  The pilot is not allowed to fly using a  buddy box, spotter, goggles or the screen of a phone, laptop or other computing device in lieu of direct visual sight.  Goggles and the screens of phones, laptops or other computing devices can be used by someone OTHER THAN the pilot.  An example of this would be when the pilot wanted to give another person ‘a ride’.  There are other rule changes from FAA which the board will continue to monitor but this seems the most major change being enforced and effects our members most significantly.  AMA is questioning these changes and we will comply with whatever the final ruling is.  Please contact Bob or other board members if you have any questions or concerns.

Show and Tell Form - Download Now

Are you going to be bringing your latest airplane project to the membership meeting? If you are, make sure you download the ‘Show & Tell Data Form’.

When you bring your plane to the meeting,fill out the form – it will only take a minute or so – and bring it with you. The form can both help you in covering all of the information on your plane, and can also benefit the newsletter editor so that he can use the form to put together the Show & Tell article in the next newsletter. Click here" to download a copy of the PDF form

Reminder to all People Flying at the Jordan Field or Fairgrounds

Anybody who flies at the Jordan field or Fairgrounds must display a 2024 AMA membership card or 2024 TCRC membership card in order to fly.  A no exceptions policy will be enforced.  This is a requirement of our AMA Club Charter and insurance policy. 

We ask that current members help enforce this rule as we are all responsible to protect our flying sites.  If you witness somebody flying without a current card please politely inform them of our policy and ask them to stop flying until they can show proof of membership.

Show Your TCRC Pride - Buy a Hat, Polo or T-Shirt

There are plenty of hats, polo and T-shirts in stock - See the following link to view all of the TCRC Merchandise for sale.  Click here for details...

Please send your notices you want posted or comments to

Upcoming Events

Oct. 5 - Crocktoberfest, Season Finale, Jordan Field, Brian Johnson, 10am start time

Oct. 8 - TCRC Membership Meeting, 7:00pm, CrossPoint Church

Nov. 12 - TCRC Meeting, 7:00pm CrossPoint Church

Nov. 12 - TCRC Elections, Cross Point Church

Nov. 12 - Ugly Airplane Contest, Sherwood Hagen

Nov. 16 - TCRC Annual Banquet, 5:00pm, David Fong's Resturant Prior Lake, MN.

Dec. 4 - Joint TCRC Board Meeting, 7:00pm, Bob Breisemeister's home

Auction Flyer Click Here