TCRC's 48th Auction

Twin City Radio Controllers
AMA Charter #383 | 1957 - 2024
TCRC Auction Flyer
- Download TCRC's 2025 Auction Flyer for dates, location, and details. Auction Flyer Click Here
TCRC Auction Rules
- Entrance Fee is $5.00. This includes a Bidder's Card. You MUST show your card number when bidding.
- This is a CONSIGNMENT Auction. ALL items brought into the facility are consigned to TCRC to be sold at auction to the HIGHEST BIDDER. The Auctioneer IS the final AUTHORITY on which bid is the high bid.
- For EACH item sold, TCRC will retain $5 or 10% of the highest bid, whichever is greater, as an auction fee. Checks will be sent to the seller's address the week following the auction.
- MINIMUM Bid is $20 with $5 bid increments. If no bid is made, the item will be returned to the seller, who will be charged $5 per unsold item.
- BUY BACK: A seller may repurchase their item by becoming the highest bidder. In this case, TCRC will retain 10% of the bid price, up to a maximum fee of $20.00.
- No bid items must be picked up at the end of the auction.
- Credit Cards will be accepted. A 3% convenience fee will be charged to all cards.
Directions to Buyers
- To obtain purchased items, the bidder must first obtain their Bidding Record from bidder registration and take it to the Cashier for payment.
- The Cashier will provide a record of purchase, which the buyer uses to claim items from the IMPOUND area.
- ALL items MUST be paid for before removal from the IMPOUND.
- ALL items MUST be removed from the facility at the auction's conclusion.
- BIDDER CARDS will remain open until the end of the auction.
- After Auction Comments and Questions can be sent to the following email where a Board member will respond:
Directions to Sellers
Before The Auction
- Download a “Seller’s Inventory Card” from the website and print out as many copies as you need. Download the Seller's Inventory Card
- You can pre-register for a SELLER’s NUMBER by e-mail:
- Fill out you “Seller’s Inventory Card” one line for every item to be sold.
- Remember every item must get at least a $20 minimum bid to be sold. Bundle less- valuable items together to get a minimum bid.
- Fill in your Complete Name, Address, & Phone CLEARLY on form. You can’t expect to get paid if we can’t read who you are!
- Fill out and BRING ONE (1) Business size SELF-ADDRESSED Envelope for SELLER payment. This is how we send your check to you.
- Attach a Label to EACH item to be sold. Identify your SELLER Number and ITEM Letter (example: #501B)
- Place a DESCRIPTION on each item you are selling. (The auctioneer can’t sell it up if you can’t tell him what it is and what condition it is in!)
- Fill in your Complete Name, Address, & Phone CLEARLY on form. You can’t expect to get paid if we can’t read who you are!
- Following is an example of a completed Seller's Inventory Card Download the Seller's Instructions & Example.pdf
- After Auction Comments and Questions can be sent to the following email where a Board member will respond:
Directions to Sellers
AT THE AUCTION (Before the Bidding)
- Do NOT carry in your items until after you REGISTER!
- You NEED a BUYER’s CARD to BID on your own ITEM.
- ALL Items are sold to highest bidder.
- If SELLER doesn’t like the price SELLER must be the high bidder. SELLER MUST register as a Bidder. Once you’ve registered, give your SELLER’s INVENTORY CARD to the IMPOUND Volunteer.
- Get an Impound stamp on your SELLER’s INVENTORY CARD for EACH item impounded.
Directions to Sellers
AT THE AUCTION (Before the Bidding)
- Do NOT carry in your items until after you REGISTER!
- You NEED a BUYER’s CARD to BID on your own ITEM.
- ALL Items are sold to highest bidder.
- If SELLER doesn’t like the price SELLER must be the high bidder. SELLER MUST register as a Bidder. Once you’ve registered, give your SELLER’s INVENTORY CARD to the IMPOUND Volunteer.
- Get an Impound stamp on your SELLER’s INVENTORY CARD for EACH item impounded.
Directions to Sellers
AT THE AUCTION (During the Bidding)
- ALL Items are sold to highest bidder. If SELLER doesn’t like the price SELLER must be the high bidder. SELLER MUST register as a Bidder.
- If item does not get $20 minimum, then it is a NO BID and is returned to the IMPOUND area.
- Seller is responsible for claiming your NO BID items from IMPOUND before the auction ends.
- If SELLER doesn’t like the price SELLER must be the high bidder. SELLER MUST register as a Bidder. Once you’ve registered, give your SELLER’s INVENTORY CARD to the IMPOUND Volunteer.
- Important: Unclaimed items will be disposed of.
Directions to Sellers
After The Auction
- SELLERS will get a copy of the closed-out SELLERS INVENTORY CARD and a CHECK for the net amount (minus commission which is calculated on each item as $5 or 10% whichever is greater for each item) within a week after the auction.
Advanced Seller Registration
- Advanced seller registration will be open from December 29th - February 1st. Note that it may take up to 48 hours for a number to be assigned during the first week in January.
- Each seller is required to fill out a Seller's Inventory Card and obtain a Seller's ID Number. This number will be required to be placed on each item for sale along with the item letter. This number will uniquely identify your items for sale.
- You can obtain a Seller's ID Number by downloading the “Seller's Inventory Card” in Acrobat PDF format. Download the Seller's Inventory Card
- Then, the seller will need to send an email to with the following information enclosed:
- Seller's Name
- Full mailing address
- Phone number
- Email address
- *Once this information is received, a Seller's ID number will be emailed back to you within 24 hours.
- Record the Seller's ID Number on your Seller's Inventory Card, fill out the card with including your Name, Full mailing address, Phone number and email address. List your items for sale. Finally, mark your items for sale with the Seller's ID Number and item letter.
- *Important! Please, bring a stamped self-addressed envelope to the Auction. This envelope will be used to mail your proceeds back to you within a week after the auction!
- When you arrive at the auction bring your completed Seller's Inventory Card and items to the Seller's Registration table. Your Seller's ID Number will be compared with our records.
- Advanced Seller's Registration will be accepted by 5PM Thursday February 1st. If you do not obtain a Seller's ID Number through the Advanced Seller Registration, you can obtain one the morning of the auction.